Dividend policy in Sparebanken Vest
Sparebanken Vest’s target is to achieve results that provides competitive return on the bank’s equity capital.
The annual profits after tax are distributed between the total equity certificate capital and the total primary capital in relation to their relative share of the bank’s total equity (the ownership fraction). The equity certificate holders’ share of the profits are distributed between dividend and the equalisation reserve.
As far as possible the dividend funds are determined so that each owner group disposes an equal relative share of the profits for dividend funds. The dividend funds will consist of a cash dividend to equity certificate holders and funds to public benefit purposes.
Taking into consideration the bank’s capital adequacy, strategy and development, the target is that approximately 50 per cent of the annual profits after tax are paid out as dividend.
In determining the dividend the bank will tale into consideration the potential for valuable development and growth for the bank’s owners, expected result development in a normalised market situation, external framework conditions and the need for Common Equity Tier 1 (CET1) capital. The bank’s dividend policy will be the basis for the decisions that the Board of Directors propose that the General Meeting adopts.
Dividend amounts
Year | Dividend pr. ECC |
Date proposal | Date of adoption | Date of payment |
2024 |
8,50 |
07.02.25 |
27.03.25 |
07.04.25 |
2023 |
7,50 |
01.04.24 |
21.03.24 |
04.04.24 |
2022 |
3,00 |
21.09.23 |
25.10.23 |
01.11.23 |
2022 |
5,50 |
01.02.23 |
22.03.23 |
31.03.23 |
2021 |
4,50 |
02.02.22 |
23.03.22 |
06.04.22 |
2020 |
1,80 |
17.02.21 |
01.10.21 |
12.10.21 |
2020 |
2,20 |
17.02.21 |
24.03.21 |
07.04.21 |
2019 |
2,42 |
19.02.20 |
24.03.20 |
22.04.20 |
2018 |
2,30 |
20.02.19 |
21.03.19 |
11.04.19 |
2017* |
3,75 |
01.02.18 |
16.03.18 |
02.05.18 |
2016 |
4,50 |
01.02.17 |
23.03.17 |
31.03.17 |
2015 |
1,10 |
24.02.16 |
16.03.16 |
04.04.16 |
2014 |
4,00 |
26.02.15 |
18.03.15 |
19.03.15 |
2013 |
3,00 |
18.02.14 |
19.03.14 |
31.03.14 |
2012 |
2,50 |
20.02.13 |
20.03.13 |
05.04.13 |
2011 |
2,00 |
22.02.12 |
26.03.12 |
07.05.12 |
2010 |
3,50 |
21.02.11 |
16.03.11 |
25.03.11 |
2009 |
4,00 |
04.02.10 |
18.03.10 |
29.03.09 |
2008 |
3,75 |
28.01.09 |
12.03.09 |
27.03.09 |
2007 |
19,00 |
24.01.08 |
16.03.08 |
06.05.08 |
2006 |
18,25 |
25.01.07 |
16.03.07 |
30.03.07 |
2005 |
17,10 |
26.01.06 |
09.03.06 |
31.03.06 |
2004 |
12,60 |
27.01.05 |
10.03.05 |
31.03.05 |
2003 |
12,60 |
30.01.04 |
11.03.04 |
26.03.04 |
* Inkl. utstedelse av utbyttebevis.
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