Investor Relations
Sparebanken Vest in brief
- 20.1 % Return on Equity in 2024
- 24.8 % cost-to-income ratio 2024
- 17.7 % CET1 ratio as of Q4 2024
Why invest in Sparebanken Vest?
- Low risk and low complexity
- At the forefront of digital development
- A bank with customer dividend and high donations
- High ambitions on sustainability
- Strong performance culture
- 3 of 4 employees own Equity Capital Certificates
- Leading in terms of ROE – target 13 %
Sparebanken Vest (SVEG) Oslo Børs
Equity certificate
Financial information
Equity certificate
Debt investors
Corporate governance
Investor relations
Contact us

Frank Johannesen Executive Vice President - CFO
Phone: +47 952 65 971

Brede Borgen Kristiansen Director of Finance and IR
Phone: +47 479 06 402

John Hopp - CEO Sparebanken Vest Boligkreditt
Phone: + 47 450 81 776